Sunday, April 20, 2014

I Second the Notion

Getting setup

I recently read a blog with some support that got me thinking. I thought it was an interesting idea that seems valid, but there are other problems with data transmission in general that this method could help to solve. The three issues that R solved were all valid:

  • The storage mechanism is efficient
  • The platform is open source
  • Various functions and data can be bundled together

The potential really lies in the last item. Aside from a standalone data file you can add comments and metadata to this file to explain to the recipient what they are actually getting. You can also include functions that operate on the data or were used preprocessing and cleaning of the data.

I created a function, which is still in its infancy, to capture some of this idea. I was hoping to get other insights on how this could be useful. The notes part was added since it is hard to capture input calling it from knitr, not really a part of the function. Some functionality would also be useful to allow it to only save out a subset of the workspace.


write.manifest <- function(hist = F, file = stop("'file' must be specified")) {
  loc <- setdiff(ls(envir = .GlobalEnv), c('read.manifest', 'write.manifest'))
  evl <- function(x) eval(parse(text = x))
  print('Comments: ')
  notes <- scan(what = character(), quiet = T)
  if (length(notes) == 0) notes <- 'These are the notes you would have typed to explain the data.'

  manifest <- list(summary = ldply(loc, function(a) c(name = a, 
                                                      class = class(evl(a)), 
                                                      type = typeof(evl(a)), 
                                                      mode = mode(evl(a)), 
                                                      size = object.size(evl(a)))),
                   session = sessionInfo(),
                   time = Sys.time(),
                   createdby = Sys.getenv()[['USER']],
                   notes = paste(notes, collapse = ' '))
  manifest$history <- if (hist) readLines('.RHistory') else NULL
  loc <- c(loc, 'manifest')
  save(list = loc, file = file)

Now to show how this would work lets create some simple data.

x <- 1
y <- 2
z <- 3

myData <- cars

myData$date <- Sys.Date() + sample(1:10, nrow(myData), replace = TRUE)

myData2 <- myData[myData$date > Sys.Date()+1, ]

myData2$rand <- sample(c(x, y, z), nrow(myData2), replace = TRUE)

We now have three variables in our workspace. If I were to send this data out to someone it would not make much sense. Instead of using the save method lets create the output using the manifest. Ignore the comments, it makes more sense when you are running interactively.

write.manifest(file = 'x.RData')
## [1] "Comments: "

Now let’s act like we are the recipients of this data.

# Clear our workspace.
rm(list = ls())
## character(0)
read.manifest <- function(file) {
  load(file, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  disp <- paste('The file ' , file, ' was created by ', manifest$createdby, 
                ' on ', manifest$time, '.', sep = '')

## The file x.RData was created by kdarrell on 2014-04-20 10:12:04.
## These are the notes you would have typed to explain the data.
## $summary
##       name      class      type      mode size
## 1 metadata       list      list      list  800
## 2   myData data.frame      list      list 2304
## 3  myData2 data.frame      list      list 2808
## 4        x  character character character   96
## 5        y    numeric    double   numeric   48
## 6        z    numeric    double   numeric   48
## [1] "manifest"      "metadata"      "myData"        "myData2"      
## [5] "read.manifest" "x"             "y"             "z"
##       name      class      type      mode size
## 1 metadata       list      list      list  800
## 2   myData data.frame      list      list 2304
## 3  myData2 data.frame      list      list 2808
## 4        x  character character character   96
## 5        y    numeric    double   numeric   48
## 6        z    numeric    double   numeric   48

You can also see the session that was used to build the data.

## R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit)
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] plyr_1.8.1
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] evaluate_0.5.3   formatR_0.10     knitr_1.5        Rcpp_0.11.1     
## [5] rmarkdown_0.1.77 stringr_0.6.2    tools_3.1.0      yaml_2.1.11

There were other things I thought that would be useful to add to this train of thought as well, it would be nice to check for comments on every R object being written to this file. If there are no comments it should prompt you to explain what the object is. If you have never used comments before they are pretty easy to grasp.

value <- 1
## [1] 1
comment(value) <- 'This value is not useful but the example may be.'

## [1] 1
## [1] "This value is not useful but the example may be."

Changing Directions

At the onset this was what I thought would be very useful. As with any learning experience or solving any problem you usually end up facing a greater learning experience or a larger problem yet to solve but slightly more capable. When I got to this point I thought it would be useful to see more about the data than just some comments, size and type. My first idea was to add a list of each variable that has some informative summary to display, the comment above would be the first go. I think I know how to go about this and it should not bring much difficulty. After thinking more about it though, I thought it would be really useful to capture how the data was created, this way you could recreate the data yourself, or at least inspect how it was done, maybe even modify it at some intermediate point.

One interesting feature of R is that it captures the history of what you do inside its interpreter. The one downside I still need to figure out is how to get it to write to the .Rhistory file real time instead of storing it and writing once the session closes. (At least I think this is what it is doing, I still need to do some exploration)

Once the .Rhistory file has been created we can read it in.

read.hist <- function() {
  hist <- readLines('.Rhistory')

  # Comments id
  comments_index <- gregexpr('^#', hist, perl = T) == 1
  comments <- hist[comments_index]
  hist <- hist[!comments_index]

  # Does not account for for loops

  # Break the code up into assignments
  assignments <- grep('<-', hist, value = TRUE)
  assignments <- grep("'<-'", assignments, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
  assignments <- grep('"<-"', assignments, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
  assignments <- strsplit(assignments, '<-')

  history <- list(code = hist, comments = comments, 
                  name = lapply(assignments, `[`, 1),
                  value = lapply(assignments, `[`, 2))
  # Need better cleaning of leading and trailing spaces
  last <- function(str) substr(str, nchar(str), nchar(str))
  first <- function(str) substr(str, 1, 1)
  history$name <- ifelse(last(history$name) == ' ', 
                         substr(history$name, 1, nchar(history$name) - 1), 
  history$value <- ifelse(first(history$value) == ' ', 
                          substr(history$value, 2, nchar(history$value)), 
  history$name <- unlist(history$name)
  history$value <- unlist(history$value)

history <- read.hist()

You can now use this history to create the history of any data element. I had the sense that you could use attach the code for this purpose. However most of the time I realize that parts of the code may have been added via the command line as a quick fix. This may be a problem with some of the idioms around R, check out this blog for more info. A script is kind of like a claim that this was the process, it can, but should’t, be fudged. The history cannot be fudged.

To get the history of a variable (value, list, data frame, etc) we need to construct more machinery to process the history file.

Can we recreate how we arrived at the small analysis above? The final data set under consideration was data2. How did it come to be?

origin <- function(var, all = F) {
  name <- lapply(strsplit(history$name, split = '$', fixed = T), `[`, 1)
  x <- which(var == name)
  if( length(x) == 0) return(c())
  if (all) {
    unique(paste(history$name[x], '<-', history$value[x]))
  } else { 
    head(paste(history$name[x], '<-', history$value[x]), 1)

## [1] "myData2 <- myData[myData$date > Sys.Date()+1, ]"

We can see its origin or also trace it’s history.

origin('myData2', T)
## [1] "myData2 <- myData[myData$date > Sys.Date()+1, ]"                  
## [2] "myData2$rand <- sample(c(x, y, z), nrow(myData2), replace = TRUE)"

This piece of data stems from another piece of data though. We can see its origins by running the same code on this set but it would be useful if there was a recursive way to do this.

## [1] "myData <- cars"
origin('myData', T)
## [1] "myData <- cars"                                                        
## [2] "myData$date <- Sys.Date() + sample(1:10, nrow(myData), replace = TRUE)"
condense <- function(str) {
  if(is.null(origin(str))) return(str)
  # Just take the first and call recursively.
  elem <- gregexpr('$', str, fixed = T)[[1]][1]
  if (elem > 0) {
    chars <- strsplit(str, NULL)[[1]]
    ind <- chars %in% c(letters, LETTERS, as.character(0:9))
    # The plus one is to offset the dollar sign
    ind[1:elem] <- TRUE
    str <- paste(chars[c(1:(elem-1), min(which(!ind)):nchar(str))], collapse = '')

# Adds infix functions predicate, eg(<-, <<-, +)
is.func <- function(str) {
  if (exists(str)) {
    eval(parse(text = paste('is.function(`', str, '`)', sep = '')))
  } else {

#rm(myData, myData2)

depends <- function(str) {
  x <- condense(origin(str))
  if(!is.null(x)) {
    x <- all.names(parse(text = x), unique = TRUE)
    x <- setdiff(x, str)
    x <- x[!unlist(lapply(x, is.func))]
    if (length(x) > 0) unique(c(x, depends(x))) else x
  } else {

Now lets try this out.

## [1] "myData" "cars"

There are some major problems starting to appear. Having to close R to persist the session’s history to the .Rhistory file is a real burden, it means you can’t work with an objects history interactively. You are forced to close everything up before writing utilizing any of this, while it would be very useful for interactiveness, tracing back through your current analysis. There is also a lot of intelligent code needed to read through all of the R code and determine what is really part of the object’s history, did you run something twice because you wanted to walk back through it all or does it recurse on itself, things like loops also become a big deal here. R is a very complicated language (or it gives you the freedom to do some very strange things that are hard to deal with in this manner).

I realized after writing a few more functions that I was basically creating a layer to sit on top and analysis all of my code, re-parsing the whole language is not the path I want to go down. So I think parts of this may be useful but the overall design needs some thought. I would enjoy hearing if anyone else has ever done this or has any ideas of how implement this or requirements that may be useful. I do think that the early portion of adding metadata to your output files is pretty sound though.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lifespan of an NBA Player

Getting setup

Data Loading

Looking at the lifespan of an NBA player. The first thing is to load the data for each player into the workspace and get and understanding of its contents. I will try to make this data available but I am in the middle of determining which of multiple sources is the most robust and the cleanest, so I have multiple versions with various differences. The head and str functions are used to get a representation of what the data looks like.

## Loading required package: splines
# Load data

## 'data.frame':    21247 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ name   : chr  "Alaa Abdelnaby" "Alaa Abdelnaby" "Alaa Abdelnaby" "Alaa Abdelnaby" ...
##  $ positon: chr  "F" "F" "F" "F" ...
##  $ Age    : num  22 23 24 24 25 26 26 22 23 24 ...
##  $ Team   : chr  "POR" "POR" "MIL" "BOS" ...
##  $ G      : num  43 71 12 63 13 3 51 82 82 81 ...
##  $ Min    : chr  "290" "934" "159" "1152" ...
##  $ Pts    : chr  "135" "432" "64" "514" ...
##  $ PPG    : chr  "3.1" "6.1" "5.3" "8.2" ...
##  $ Season : num  1990 1991 1992 1992 1993 ...
##             name positon Age Team  G  Min Pts PPG Season
## 1 Alaa Abdelnaby       F  22  POR 43  290 135 3.1   1990
## 2 Alaa Abdelnaby       F  23  POR 71  934 432 6.1   1991
## 3 Alaa Abdelnaby       F  24  MIL 12  159  64 5.3   1992
## 4 Alaa Abdelnaby       F  24  BOS 63 1152 514 8.2   1992
## 5 Alaa Abdelnaby       F  25  BOS 13  159  64 4.9   1993
## 6 Alaa Abdelnaby       F  26  PHI  3   30   2 0.7   1994

Data Creation

The next step would typically be cleaning. I have already done lots of cleaning to this data to get it the stage that it is at though. Maybe that will be another post. The step after cleaning is often using the raw data to create variables of interest for the analytics task at hand. For survival analysis it is necessary to have variables that describe the lifespan of players as well as when they started. Next we will aggregate some of the raw data down into a more tidy format, one row per player as opposed to one row per player per season per team, how the source is formatted.

# Before we can start grouping rows by player we need a unique identifier.
# Players may have a common name, so lets create a manner to step 
# around that. 
player$bday <- player$Season - player$Age
puid <- unique(player[, c('name', 'bday')])
puid$guid <- 1:nrow(puid)
player <- merge(player, puid)
##         name bday positon Age Team  G  Min  Pts  PPG Season guid
## 1 A.c. Green 1963       F  22  LAL 82 1542  521  6.4   1985 1320
## 2 A.c. Green 1963       F  23  LAL 79 2240  852 10.8   1986 1320
## 3 A.c. Green 1963       F  24  LAL 82 2636  937 11.4   1987 1320
## 4 A.c. Green 1963       F  25  LAL 82 2510 1088 13.3   1988 1320
## 5 A.c. Green 1963       F  26  LAL 82 2709 1061 12.9   1989 1320
## 6 A.c. Green 1963       F  27  LAL 82 2164  750  9.1   1990 1320
# Need to do some data aggrations to create some needed varaibles.

# How long a player lasted in the NBA.
span <- ddply(player, .(guid), summarise, span = max(Age) - min(Age))
##   guid span
## 1    1    4
## 2    2   19
## 3    3   28
## 4    4    5
## 5    5   11
## 6    6    4
# A players first season
rookie <- ddply(player, .(guid), summarise, rookie = min(Season))
##   guid rookie
## 1    1   1990
## 2    2   1969
## 3    3   1972
## 4    4   1997
## 5    5   1996
## 6    6   1976
# The number of games a player played there first year.
games <- ddply(player, .(guid), summarise, games = sum(G))
##   guid games
## 1    1   256
## 2    2  1560
## 3    3   641
## 4    4   236
## 5    5   830
## 6    6   319
# Join these data sets together to form one data set.
res <- unique(player[c('name', 'positon', 'guid')])
res <- merge(res, rookie, by = 'guid')
res <- merge(res, span, by = 'guid')
res <- merge(res, games, by = 'guid')

# Cleanup the workspace
rm(span, rookie, games, puid, player)

##   guid                name positon rookie span games
## 1    1      Alaa Abdelnaby       F   1990    4   256
## 2    2 Kareem Abdul-jabbar       C   1969   19  1560
## 3    3    Mahmo Abdul-rauf       G   1972   28   641
## 4    4   Tariq Abdul-wahad       G   1997    5   236
## 5    5 Shareef Abdur-rahim       F   1996   11   830
## 6    6       Tom Abernethy       F   1976    4   319

Data Cleanup

This is now starting to look like tidy data. We have one row per player, along with how long they played, the first year they played and two descriptive variables about their fist season.

We will still push this further. Just a few nit picky things as well as creating some variables to answer a few questions later on. Also we need to think about what to do about players that are still playing?

# The count is off by one.
res$span <- res$span + 1

# Average games per season
res$avgGam <- res$games / res$span

# Do you play a lot of games, binary
res$gamBin <- ifelse(res$avgGam > 50, 'a', 'b')

# Clean up data frame.
res$games <- NULL

# A few players have no age in the data
res <- res[complete.cases(res), ]

# Order by players with a longer history
res <- res[order(res$span, decreasing = T), ]

# Create the year they retired
res$retire <- res$span + res$rookie

# If that's before 2014 they retired, otherwise the data is censored in time. 
res$event <- ifelse(res$retire < 2014, 1, 0)

Survival Analysis

The data is now ready to run a survival analysis. We can run one with a constant to determine the most likely lifespans.

kms <- survfit(Surv(res$span, res$event) ~ 1)
## Call: survfit(formula = Surv(res$span, res$event) ~ 1)
##  time n.risk n.event survival  std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
##     1   3964    1178 0.702825 0.007259     6.89e-01      0.71720
##     2   2786     484 0.580727 0.007837     5.66e-01      0.59629
##     3   2302     354 0.491423 0.007940     4.76e-01      0.50723
##     4   1948     273 0.422553 0.007846     4.07e-01      0.43821
##     5   1675     212 0.369072 0.007664     3.54e-01      0.38440
##     6   1463     197 0.319374 0.007405     3.05e-01      0.33422
##     7   1266     174 0.275479 0.007096     2.62e-01      0.28974
##     8   1092     178 0.230575 0.006690     2.18e-01      0.24407
##     9    914     149 0.192987 0.006268     1.81e-01      0.20567
##    10    765     180 0.147578 0.005633     1.37e-01      0.15904
##    11    585     149 0.109990 0.004969     1.01e-01      0.12017
##    12    436     121 0.079465 0.004296     7.15e-02      0.08835
##    13    315     107 0.052472 0.003542     4.60e-02      0.05989
##    14    208      74 0.033804 0.002870     2.86e-02      0.03993
##    15    134      55 0.019929 0.002220     1.60e-02      0.02479
##    16     79      30 0.012361 0.001755     9.36e-03      0.01633
##    17     49      25 0.006054 0.001232     4.06e-03      0.00902
##    18     24      10 0.003532 0.000942     2.09e-03      0.00596
##    19     14       8 0.001514 0.000617     6.80e-04      0.00337
##    20      6       2 0.001009 0.000504     3.79e-04      0.00269
##    21      4       2 0.000505 0.000357     1.26e-04      0.00202
##    23      2       1 0.000252 0.000252     3.55e-05      0.00179
##    29      1       1 0.000000      NaN           NA           NA
plot(kms, xlab = 'Seasons', ylab = 'Survival Probability')

This is pretty interesting, there is a big drop off in the first year. This seems plan out, thus experience is good. That sounds a bit odd though. Lets add a players position to see if they are all similar.

kms <- survfit(Surv(res$span, res$event) ~ res$positon)
## Call: survfit(formula = Surv(res$span, res$event) ~ res$positon)
##                 res$positon=C 
##  time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
##     1    635     151  0.76220 0.01689     0.729801       0.7960
##     2    484      79  0.63780 0.01907     0.601486       0.6763
##     3    405      62  0.54016 0.01978     0.502752       0.5803
##     4    343      32  0.48976 0.01984     0.452386       0.5302
##     5    311      31  0.44094 0.01970     0.403970       0.4813
##     6    280      36  0.38425 0.01930     0.348222       0.4240
##     7    244      31  0.33543 0.01874     0.300649       0.3742
##     8    213      31  0.28661 0.01794     0.253516       0.3240
##     9    182      26  0.24567 0.01708     0.214368       0.2815
##    10    156      37  0.18740 0.01549     0.159380       0.2203
##    11    119      27  0.14488 0.01397     0.119936       0.1750
##    12     92      26  0.10394 0.01211     0.082716       0.1306
##    13     66      18  0.07559 0.01049     0.057589       0.0992
##    14     48      14  0.05354 0.00893     0.038609       0.0743
##    15     34      13  0.03307 0.00710     0.021717       0.0504
##    16     21       5  0.02520 0.00622     0.015533       0.0409
##    17     16       6  0.01575 0.00494     0.008515       0.0291
##    18     10       5  0.00787 0.00351     0.003289       0.0189
##    19      5       2  0.00472 0.00272     0.001528       0.0146
##    20      3       1  0.00315 0.00222     0.000789       0.0126
##    21      2       2  0.00000     NaN           NA           NA
##                 res$positon=F 
##  time n.risk n.event survival  std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
##     1   1692     543 0.679078 0.011349     6.57e-01      0.70169
##     2   1149     179 0.573286 0.012024     5.50e-01      0.59734
##     3    970     147 0.486407 0.012151     4.63e-01      0.51081
##     4    823     134 0.407210 0.011944     3.84e-01      0.43131
##     5    689      96 0.350473 0.011599     3.28e-01      0.37396
##     6    593      81 0.302600 0.011168     2.81e-01      0.32530
##     7    512      71 0.260638 0.010672     2.41e-01      0.28242
##     8    441      75 0.216312 0.010009     1.98e-01      0.23685
##     9    366      70 0.174941 0.009236     1.58e-01      0.19401
##    10    296      69 0.134161 0.008286     1.19e-01      0.15142
##    11    227      59 0.099291 0.007270     8.60e-02      0.11461
##    12    168      46 0.072104 0.006288     6.08e-02      0.08554
##    13    122      44 0.046099 0.005098     3.71e-02      0.05726
##    14     78      20 0.034279 0.004423     2.66e-02      0.04414
##    15     58      20 0.022459 0.003602     1.64e-02      0.03075
##    16     38      19 0.011229 0.002562     7.18e-03      0.01756
##    17     19      11 0.004728 0.001668     2.37e-03      0.00944
##    18      8       4 0.002364 0.001181     8.88e-04      0.00629
##    19      4       3 0.000591 0.000591     8.33e-05      0.00419
##    23      1       1 0.000000      NaN           NA           NA
##                 res$positon=G 
##  time n.risk n.event survival  std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
##     1   1637     484 0.704337 0.011279     6.83e-01      0.72679
##     2   1153     226 0.566280 0.012249     5.43e-01      0.59080
##     3    927     145 0.477703 0.012346     4.54e-01      0.50252
##     4    782     107 0.412340 0.012167     3.89e-01      0.43689
##     5    675      85 0.360415 0.011867     3.38e-01      0.38444
##     6    590      80 0.311546 0.011447     2.90e-01      0.33481
##     7    510      72 0.267563 0.010941     2.47e-01      0.28989
##     8    438      72 0.223580 0.010298     2.04e-01      0.24470
##     9    366      53 0.191203 0.009719     1.73e-01      0.21123
##    10    313      74 0.145999 0.008727     1.30e-01      0.16415
##    11    239      63 0.107514 0.007656     9.35e-02      0.12362
##    12    176      49 0.077581 0.006612     6.56e-02      0.09168
##    13    127      45 0.050092 0.005391     4.06e-02      0.06186
##    14     82      40 0.025657 0.003908     1.90e-02      0.03458
##    15     42      22 0.012217 0.002715     7.90e-03      0.01889
##    16     20       6 0.008552 0.002276     5.08e-03      0.01441
##    17     14       8 0.003665 0.001494     1.65e-03      0.00815
##    18      6       1 0.003054 0.001364     1.27e-03      0.00733
##    19      5       3 0.001222 0.000863     3.06e-04      0.00488
##    20      2       1 0.000611 0.000611     8.61e-05      0.00433
##    29      1       1 0.000000      NaN           NA           NA
plot(kms, xlab = 'Seasons', ylab = 'Survival Probability')

This is very interesting. Centers have a noticeably longer lifespan than either a guard or forward. Is this because there is more of a need. New shooting guards come out of college every year. Very tall centers are more rare. Could it also be point guards and forwards are running around more thus a younger faster player will be better, whereas height is centers real advantage. I have no idea but this is very interesting.

What about the number of games you average in a season?

kms <- survfit(Surv(res$span, res$event) ~ res$gamBin)
## Call: survfit(formula = Surv(res$span, res$event) ~ res$gamBin)
##                 res$gamBin=a 
##  time n.risk n.event survival  std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
##     1   1831     198 0.891862 0.007258     0.877751      0.90620
##     2   1633     138 0.816494 0.009046     0.798955      0.83442
##     3   1495     124 0.748771 0.010136     0.729166      0.76890
##     4   1371     127 0.679410 0.010907     0.658366      0.70113
##     5   1244     110 0.619334 0.011347     0.597488      0.64198
##     6   1134     120 0.553796 0.011617     0.531488      0.57704
##     7   1014     115 0.490989 0.011683     0.468616      0.51443
##     8    899     123 0.423812 0.011548     0.401771      0.44706
##     9    776     105 0.366466 0.011261     0.345048      0.38921
##    10    671     156 0.281267 0.010507     0.261409      0.30263
##    11    515     116 0.217914 0.009648     0.199802      0.23767
##    12    399     109 0.158383 0.008532     0.142513      0.17602
##    13    290      98 0.104861 0.007160     0.091726      0.11988
##    14    192      70 0.066630 0.005828     0.056133      0.07909
##    15    122      48 0.040415 0.004602     0.032331      0.05052
##    16     74      30 0.024031 0.003579     0.017947      0.03218
##    17     44      24 0.010923 0.002429     0.007064      0.01689
##    18     20       9 0.006008 0.001806     0.003333      0.01083
##    19     11       7 0.002185 0.001091     0.000821      0.00581
##    20      4       1 0.001638 0.000945     0.000529      0.00508
##    21      3       2 0.000546 0.000546     0.000077      0.00388
##    23      1       1 0.000000      NaN           NA           NA
##                 res$gamBin=b 
##  time n.risk n.event survival  std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
##     1   2133     980 0.540553 0.010790     5.20e-01      0.56212
##     2   1153     346 0.378340 0.010501     3.58e-01      0.39949
##     3    807     230 0.270511 0.009618     2.52e-01      0.29004
##     4    577     146 0.202063 0.008694     1.86e-01      0.21984
##     5    431     102 0.154243 0.007820     1.40e-01      0.17036
##     6    329      77 0.118143 0.006989     1.05e-01      0.13267
##     7    252      59 0.090483 0.006211     7.91e-02      0.10351
##     8    193      55 0.064698 0.005326     5.51e-02      0.07603
##     9    138      44 0.044069 0.004444     3.62e-02      0.05370
##    10     94      24 0.032818 0.003858     2.61e-02      0.04132
##    11     70      33 0.017346 0.002827     1.26e-02      0.02387
##    12     37      12 0.011721 0.002330     7.94e-03      0.01731
##    13     25       9 0.007501 0.001868     4.60e-03      0.01222
##    14     16       4 0.005626 0.001619     3.20e-03      0.00989
##    15     12       7 0.002344 0.001047     9.77e-04      0.00563
##    17      5       1 0.001875 0.000937     7.04e-04      0.00499
##    18      4       1 0.001406 0.000811     4.54e-04      0.00436
##    19      3       1 0.000938 0.000663     2.35e-04      0.00375
##    20      2       1 0.000469 0.000469     6.61e-05      0.00333
##    29      1       1 0.000000      NaN           NA           NA
plot(kms, xlab = 'Seasons', ylab = 'Survival Probability')

This is not as surprising. If you play a lot of games in a season you can expect to have a larger chance of playing next year. But it does verify what my thoughts would have been. Plenty of times looking at data I see things I would expect to be true end up being nowhere near correct, it is usually in those times when you learn something useful as well.

Final thoughts

I think this was interesting from the standpoint of NBA players but also refreshing myself to survival analysis. I want to look at points and playoffs as a next step but need some more time gather and clean data. I also want to look at two different types of outcomes in a player’s lifespan, can we see when a player is traded compared to no longer playing in general.

Friday, April 4, 2014

NBA Margin of Victory

Getting setup

I think it would be interesting to see how an NBA season looks for a given team from a higher level. Can we look down on a season and see slumps, can we see momentum start to build? Again you can see from some of my past posts, with any question we need data.

Getting setup

I have created some code, I don't know if I would call it an API as it needs much more work, to pull seasons of NBA data. You simply give it a year and it will pull all data related to that season. I have some stuff that will pull box scores and play-by-play but it is not really production ready yet. I am also interested in creating a dataset that is persisted on the web but this method works for now. The code exists in the form of a Gist, having devtools installed and loaded you can run the gist as follows.


Getting and yes, cleaning the data

Now you can create the data, assuming there are no package issues which I assume you can resolve. Lets pull a recent year. Call the seasonify function with a year, the season will be the year that the championship game took place, not the year the season started. The methods used to pull the data were done in a way to satisfy a few types of questions I was interested in looking at so a little cleaning needs to be done.

# Get one season of data
season <- seasonify(2012)

# The uniques teams in the season
team <- unique(c(season$away, season$home))

# Break apart into two sets, since each game has two teams.
home <- season[, c("date", "home", "hs", "as")]
away <- season[, c("date", "away", "as", "hs")]

# Give them a consistent name.
names(home)[2] <- "team"
names(away)[2] <- "team"

# Create the margin varaible
home$margin <- home$hs - away$as
away$margin <- away$as - home$hs

# Append the data together.
scores <- rbind(home, away)

# Pull the scores realted to each team into a list tied to the given team
final <- lapply(team, function(x) scores[scores$team == x, c("date", "margin")])
names(final) <- team

# The manipulate tol doesn't work in this situation so you need to uncomment
# it for your own use.  manipulate(cal.heatMap(final[[type]], 'margin'),
# type = picker(as.list(team)))

And the outcome

This makes a simple interactive gui in manipulate that you can play with. If you have never played with the manipulate package before it is very easy to wrap your function with a few hooks to make it interactive. You can add any combination of sliders, drop-downs and radio buttons. It comes with RStudio and it seems to have remained stable since it came out a few years ago. This may sound like a bad thing but it isn't, simple interfaces you built two years ago will still work even if you have updated RStudio. It is also like sliced bread, it is great for making sandwiches, it does not need an update. Any changes would over complicate its ease of use.

The bad part is that it is hard to demonstrate in the browser. This portion of code has been commented out. You can uncomment it an play with the drop-down to see various teams. No worries though, I created a few standalone plots from the same codebase to show the results.

cal.heatMap(final[["Chicago Bulls"]], "margin")

One interesting note here, the Bulls seem to have a lop sided margin they win by more that they lose. This would seem to indicate that they were a good team that year. The other thing to note is that there is a lot of orange meaning it's hard to tell whether they won or lost in all but the most extreme cases, like winning by 40. Thus it is hard to determine whether they are actually good team as far as wins and losses are concerned.

We can change this to show wins and losses opposed to the margin of victory.

# Binary win loss

final2 <- lapply(final, function(x) data.frame(date = x$date, win = ifelse(x$margin > 
    0, 1, -1)))
cal.heatMap(final2[["Chicago Bulls"]], "win")

This tells a lot more of the story, in the case of the 2011-2012 Chicago Bulls, they were always on top.

We can see what I set out to resolve, the Timberwolves practically fell apart in April winning only one game.

cal.heatMap(final2[["Minnesota Timberwolves"]], "win")

The Orlando Magic seemed to fall apart towards the end as well.

cal.heatMap(final2[["Orlando Magic"]], "win")

In hindsight since the calendar heat map aspect did not pan out so well there may be better ways to visualize this data. I do like that this demonstrates a fairly consistent aspect of any data science endeavour, to answer the question you started with you often have to change paths as you get further in. Data Science is dynamic, letting the data tell you what works and what doesn't will get you much farther. It also helps to have code and data that lets you change paths easily.


I think it would be cool given data over more years to be able to pick seasons and also be able to compare teams or even look over teams for multiple years. That is starting to get away from the simple nature of manipulate and move more towards shiny or d3, which I may think of converting this into.